Wednesday, May 25, 2011

SQL Saturday Columbus

Wohoo!  I will be giving 3 sessions at SQL Saturday in Columbus and participating on the WIT panel.  I am sure I will be tired by the end of the day.  My sessions are:

  • Build Your Own SQL Server Cloud
  • Oh, no Disaster Strikes
  • The 4-Hour DBA
Please come to see me


Jim P. said...

I was at the SQL Saturday. I was able to see two of your presentations.

On the Disaster Strikes presentation, I think the only thing you missed was test your disaster plan. Everything from the loss of power to loss of the whole facility.

How and what is acceptable recovery times and resolutions. That is easier to define at a corporate level.

Just wanted to throw that in.

Your presentations were excellent.

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Sarah said...


Excellent points. Thank you for the suggestions. If you don't mind I am going add that to the presentation.

Jim P. said...

Please do add it.

At my last company I was in charge of the SQL recovery in the DR plan. I had to find a way to get five clustered SQL Server instances and a Sybase 8 instance up at the DR site on one SQL Server instance. I could do it in 2 hours from the times the disks were mounted. My junior DBA's could do it in about 4 hours.

And we had a consultant come off the street and he got there in about 6-7 from the written instructions.

There was testing and refining the DR plan about every six months, and updating them anytime a configuration changed. We always had that in mind.